D.O. NO. 93/VIP/M(RD)/2000

 SUNDAR LAL PATWA                                                           MINISTER OF RURAL DEVELOPMENT

NEW DELHI-110001
25 January, 2000


I am happy to know that the Council of  State Industrial Development & Investment Corporations of  India has decided to launch its Website which would include inputs from all the member corporations regarding their activities and the facilities provided for setting up of industries. I am sure that with the launch of  Website, the Council would be able to coordinate and integrate the activities of  the existing corporations as also the potential investors and entrepreneurs in a more effective manner. I appreciate the effort of the Council and wish them all the best in their project.

(Sundar Lal Patwa)

Shri K.K. Mudgil,
Secretary General,
Council of  State Industrial Development
& Investment Corporations of  India,
`Scope Complex’ (Core 6, Floor-I),
7, Lodi Place,
Post Box No. 3067,
New Delhi – 110 003.