D.O. NO. :  CM/OSD/NK/2000/316
                                                    Dated     :  29/2/2000 


I am glad to know that the Council of State Industrial Development & Investment Corporations of India (COSIDICI) is launching its Website with contents provided by its fifty six member Corporations regarding their activities and the facilities which they provide for setting up of industries.

The technological advancements that too in the field of information and communication technologies, are redefinding the ways in which corporates and other business units have been functioning hitherto. The entire economic structures are under-going massive transformation so far as their internal and external processes are concerned. This in turn is leading to fundamental changes in their forms too. The Indian Corporate Sector is also feeling the heat of these changes and is gearing itself  to adapt to these changes. The proposed website, therefore, has come at the most opportune moment.

COSIDICI can become a catalyst in bringing qualitative transformation in the functioning of its corporate clients by adopting pro-active policies. The proposed website can only be the first step towards this endeavour. I would urge the COSIDICI to convert the website, in due course, into a full fledged `Vortal’ with facilities like on line submission and processing of applications, cross checking of credentials of  clients from other financial institutions including the member corporations, on line disbursement, receipt and payments etc. It is only then that the COSIDICI would really be exploiting the opportunities offered by the information and communication technologies.

I wish the Council of  State Industrial Development & Investment Corporations of  India all success in its endeavour.

                            (SHEILA DIKSHIT)

Sh. K.K. Mudgil, 
Secretary General,
Council of  State Industrial Development & 
Investment Corporations of  India,
`Scope Complex’ (Core 6, Floor-I),
7, Lodhi Place, New Delhi – 110 003.