10/10, Madan Mohan Malviya Marg, Lucknow-226 001 Message
I am extremely happy that a COSIDICI website is being launched on the internet. The SFCs, SIDCs & SSIDCs have been playing a pivotal role in development of Industries more particularly the Small Scale Industries. In a country like ours the answers to many of our teething problems lie in development of the SSI sector. In this context, the co-ordination role of COSIDICI amongst its member Institutions would not only strengthen these State Level Institutions, but also facilitate them to play a more effective role in promotion of Industries including the SSI Sector in different regions of the country. In due course, SIDBI might consider providing link between its own site (viz. http://www.sidbi.com) and the COSIDICI site to have synergy in approach of Institutions engaged in development of the sector. I wish the
visitors of the site a “happy surfing”.
[ Sailendra Narain]