The Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI, originally established in 1905 at Pusa (Bihar), started functioning from New Delhi since 1936. The institute's popular name `Pusa Institute' traces its origin to the establishment of the institute at Pusa. The IARI is the country's premier institution for research and higher education in agricultural disciplines leading to the award of M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees and has been given the status of a `Deemed to be University' under the UGC Act of 1956. The present campus of the institute is spread over an area of about 500 hectares out of which 380 hectares is the farm area. The institute has one of the largest Agro Biological Libraries in the world which has over 6 lakh publications and has been accorded the status of National Agricultural Library.
The Bioinformatics Centre (BIC) at IARI was established as a part of Biotechnology Information System (BTIS) Network and funded by the Department of Biotechnology to function as computerised information base in Agricultural Biotechnology with specialization in the areas of Photosynthesis, Plant Molecular Biology and Plant Tissue Culture. The centre has several databases allied to agriculture and related fields and is making the required information available to the users all over the country besides providing e-mail and Internet facilities. 
The centre is engaged in developing new databases and updating the old databases already available at the centre. The databases available with the centre are CROP PRODUCTIVITY DATABASE, LAND USE DATABASE, METEOROLOGICAL DATABASE, AGRICULTURAL BIOTEC DATABASE, AGRIS, AGRICOLA, CAB-ABSTRACTS, EARTH SCIENCE, FOOD & HUMAN NUTRITION, WORLD LIST OF AGRICULTURAL SERIALS, WATER RESOURCES ABSTRACTS and MAIZE GERMPLASM. The information is also retrieved from the CD-NET facility established at the National Agricultural Library of the institute. The CD-ROM Workstation has two CD-NET towers, 14 drives each, 10 networking terminals and connection with 20 divisions of IARI through campus LAN by fibre-optic cable. The databases available on CD-NET include Zoological Records, Biotechnology Abstracts, AgriSearch Spectrum Series with Soil CD, CAB pest, Hort CD, Crop CD Agr. Eco CD etc., CGIAR-IARCs Library full text databases, World Water and Climate Atlas. Organisation of periodic training programmes, seminars, conferences and workshops are an integral part of the activities of the Bioinformatics Centre. These programmes provide an opportunity to the participants to familiarize them with the new techniques in Biocomputing, creation and use of computerized databases and various programming techniques. The resources available at this centre are being used by scientists, researchers, students of various Agricultural Universities, Research Institutions and Govt. Departments.


Dr. R.K. Chowdhary
Indian Agricultural Research Institute
Bioinformatics Centre
Library Building, Pusa
New Delhi - 110 012.
Telephone : 5732490, 5751255
Telex : 031 - 77161 IARI IN
Fax : 91 - 11 -575 1719
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